Focus and Scope

Founded in 2016 by the Faculty of Isalmic Economics and Business, Islamic University of Surakarta, Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business aims to encourage and disseminate research on area of economics and business, mostly covering primary economic fields, i.e., Finance, Business Management, Accounting, and Islamic Economics. The Journal is committed to continuing to publish strong papers in these related areas. The Editors aim to provide an efficient and high-quality review process to the authors. Where articles are sent out for full review, authors receive careful reports and feedbacks. The journal invites contributions from authors affiliated with diverse institutional backgrounds and accepts submissions that demonstrate originality and innovation. It seeks rigorous empirical or theoretical research papers employing any method or approach pertinent to the economic and business context, provided the research aligns with one of the salient disciplines: Finance, Business, Accounting, and Isalmic Economics. By promoting critical discussion on the current issues of these areas, the journal represents an excellent forum for highlighting the profile of economics and business on both national and international levels.