Citedness in Scopus

Latest update: 12 March 2025

Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business has 80 documents that have been cited 186 times in Scopus [see this URL - Access is required]. 

1. Rusanti, E., Isman, A. F., Nashrullah, N., Mansyur, A., & Elzaanin, A. A. (2024). Israel-Palestine Conflict: Tracking Global Economic Responses and Fears. Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business10(1), 1–19.

Cited by:

1. Hassoun, A. (2025). Sustainability amid conflict: Gaza's environmental, social, and economic struggles. Journal of Environmental Management376, 124433.

2. Firdaus, M., Suseno, B. D., Sari, G. I., & Fauzi, M. (2024). Zakat Compliance: The Interplay of Religiosity, Awareness, and Knowledge. Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business9(3), 326–336.

Cited by:

1. Harun, H., & Hamzah, M. M. (2024). The Factors Associated with Zakat Compliance in Selected Countries: A Systematic Literature Review. PETITA9(2), 718-741.

3. Ilmi, N., Ridlwan, A. A., Fahrullah, A., Timur, Y. P., & Alam, M. K. (2024). The Impact of Subjective Norm and Religiosity on Zakat Compliance of Muslim Entrepreneurs: The Mediating Role of Intention. Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business9(2), 230–244.

Cited by:

1. Harun, H., & Hamzah, M. M. (2024). The Factors Associated with Zakat Compliance in Selected Countries: A Systematic Literature Review. PETITA9(2), 718-741.

4. Sintani, L., Nahan, N., & Pakpahan, A. (2024). The Gen Z's Participation in Cooperatives: Do Interest and Experience Matter?. Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business9(3), 350–359.

Cited by:

1. Sumantri, B. A., Anas, M., Yulianto, D., & Riani, L. P. (2024). Formation of the Concept of Independent, Wise, Innovative, and Resilient Human Resources in Gen Z: Digital Multi-Stakeholder Cooperatives for Business Knowledge Management. Journal of Ecohumanism3(8), 11775-11785.

5. Wardhani, N. E. (2023). A Legal Perspective on the Antecedents of Consumer Protection in Digital Financial Services. Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business9(1), 17–32.

Cited by:

1. Dinh, L. C. & Thanh, H. P. (2024). Enforcement of consumer rights protection laws and intention to reuse digital financial services among Generation Z youth: Empirical evidence from Vietnamese commercial banks. Banks and Bank Systems, 19(4), 17-33.

6. Ahmed, A. M., Ali, M. N., & Hágen, I. (2023). Corporate Governance and Its Relationship with the Working Capital Management in Europe. Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business8(2), 202–217.

Cited by:

1. Ahmed, A.M., Fekete-Farkas, M., Hágen, I. (2024). Do Profitability and Leverage Influence Dividend Policy? Evidence from Emerging Countries. In: Kot, S., Khalid, B., Haque, A.u. (eds) Corporate Practices: Policies, Methodologies, and Insights in Organizational Management. EEEU 2023. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Singapore.

7. Digdowiseiso, K. (2023). The Relationships between Current Ratio, Firm Age, Good Corporate Governance, and Corporate Social Responsibility: The Moderating Effects of Firm Size. Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business8(3), 252–267.

Cited by:

1. Khababa, N., & Alimardonov, I. (2023). DOES CORPORATE GOVERNANCE MATTER TO IMPROVE THE FINANCIAL DECISIONS OF TEXTILE SECTOR IN SAUDI ARABIA: MODERATING ROLE OF FIRM SIZE. International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies15(4), 187-207.

8. Setiani, S., Siswanto, S., & Robithoh, S. (2023). Revisiting the Effect of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance: The Mediating Role of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour. Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business8(2), 125–142.

Cited by:

1. Gusti, M. A., Lukito, H., Satrianto, A., & Prima, H. S. (2024). Effect of COVID-19 fear on nurse performance through insecurity and job satisfaction. Problems and Perspectives in Management22(1), 662-672.

9. Sujono, R. I., Wiyandi, W., Wibowo, F. W., Yunadi, A., Kamal, A. H., Wibowo, A., & Salam, A. (2023). Purchase Decision on Halal Products among Female Muslim: Evidence from Indonesia. Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business8(3), 309–321.

Cited by:

1. Othman, M., & Eh Tet, S. (2024). Determinants of halal food purchase intention among urban consumers in Selangor. In Navigating the business landscape (pp. 145-163). Scopus.

10. Hardianto, A. M., & Nursansiwi, D. A. (2024). Corporate Governance toward 5.0: Insights from State-Owned Enterprises in Indonesia. Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business9(2), 181–196.

Cited by:

1. Adebayo, A. (2025). Conceptualising (corporate) governance in state-owned enterprises: a research agenda. International Journal of Organizational Analysis.

11. Kumalasari, Y., & Aryani, Y. A. (2023). A Decade of Research on Intellectual Capital in Indonesia: Systematic Literature Review. Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business9(1), 49–73.

Cited by:

1. Putri, D. E., & Mutia, E. (2024, November). Intellectual Capital Practices in ASEAN Islamic Banks. In 2024 International Conference on Sustainable Islamic Business and Finance (SIBF) (pp. 296-300). IEEE.

12. Takdir, T., & Hamida, A. (2023). Halal Food in Muslim Minority Tourism Destinations: Perspective of Toraja, Indonesia. Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business8(2), 161–171.

Cited by:

1. Madjid, S. S., Nurwahidin, P., Jan, R. H., & Yama, A. (2024). Opportunities and Challenges in Developing Halal Food for Muslim Tourists in Tana Toraja: A Study on Sustainable Tourism. Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Syir'ah22(2), 170-185.

13. Miar, M. (2023). The Impact of Innovation and Government Intervention on the Performance of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business9(2), 154–168.

Cited by:

1. Aslam, M., Ahmad, B., & Rasheed, T. (2025). Navigating the Impact of Green Innovation, Technological Linkages, and Knowledge Management on Sustainable Performance of SMEs. Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 1-26.

14. Kholilah, K., Meylianingrum, K., Jaya, T. J., & Jouti, A. T. (2022). Halal Value Chain in the Holding Business: The Experience of Islamic-based School (Pesantren) in Indonesia. Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business7(3), 318–334.

Cited by:

1. Qizam, I., Berakon, I., & Ali, H. (2025). The role of halal value chain, Sharia financial inclusion, and digital economy in socio-economic transformation: a study of Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia. Journal of Islamic Marketing16(3), 810-840.

15. Alan Nur, M., Febriyanti, A. R., Rusgianto, S., & Herianingrum, S. (2022). Islamic Banking Financial Inclusion and Tax Revenue in OIC Countries: To What Extent do They Correlate?. Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business7(3), 302–317.

Cited by:

1. Hapsari, M. I., Mahmud, A. H., Herianingrum, S., Fauzy, R. M. Q., Hamid, S. N. A., Prabaswara, A., & Masfiyah, L. M. (2023). Antecedents of Islamic welfare: productivity, education, and the financial aspect. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management17(1), 63-85.

16. Mardi, M., Sarka, S. I., & Kardoyo, K. (2022). Determinants of Dysfunctional Audit Behavior in the Public Accounting Firms. Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business7(1), 33–48.

Cited by:

1. Hegazy, M., El-Deeb, M. S., Hamdy, H. I., & Halim, Y. T. (2023). Effects of organizational climate, role clarity, turnover intention, and workplace burnout on audit quality and performance. Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change19(5), 765-789.

17. Fuadi, N. F. Z., Bukhori, B., & Firdiyanti, S. I. (2022). Halal Marketplace: The Influence of Attitude, Subjective Norms, and Perceived Behavior Control on Purchase Intention of Muslim Consumers. Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business7(1), 100–112.

Cited by:

1. Chavez, J. V., & Vicente, M. B. (2024). Halal compliance behaviors of food and accommodation businesses in the Zamboanga Peninsula, Philippines. Multidisciplinary Science Journal, 7 (5), 2025259.

2. Khasanah, M. (2024). The impact of habit and halal involvement on the intention to purchase international branded food: evidence from Indonesia. Journal of Islamic Marketing.

3. Armutcu, B., Zeqiri, J., Ibahrine, M., Gleason, K., & Alserhan, B. A. (2024). The relationship between digital marketing and product purchase behaviour in Turkey: A structural equations modelling approach. Journal of Marketing Communications, 1-31.

4. Nasution, M. D. T. P., Astuti, D., Rahayu, S., Rossanty, Y., Harahap, R., & Rafiki, A. (2023, September). AI-Driven Chatbots in Halal Marketing Communication—Challenges and Opportunities. In Global Islamic Marketing Conference (pp. 403-421). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.

5. Fuadi, N. F. Z., Ghofur, A., Irfan, M., & Asyifa, L. N. (2024). Examining Customers' Intentions to Use Financial Technology in Islamic Banking: Evidence From Indonesia. In Fintech Applications in Islamic Finance: AI, Machine Learning, and Blockchain Techniques (pp. 112-135). IGI Global Scientific Publishing.

6. Nawang, W. R. W., Shukor, S. A., Mursidi, A., & Ismail, A. (2023). Extending the Theory of Planned Behavior to Examine Factors Influencing Intention to Purchase Halal Chocolate Among Malaysian Muslims. Asian Journal of Business and Accounting, 281-311.

18. Yusup, M., Mas’ud, R., & Johari, M. (2022). Brand Value and Tourists' Satisfaction in Lombok Indonesia as a Halal Tourism Destination. Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business7(1), 1–16.

Cited by:

1. Marlina, L., Julian, J., Nasrullah, A. A., Suhud, U., Inomjon, Q., Sutianah, C., & Nuryanti, B. L. (2024). A bibliometric review on halal tourism development. Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology8(6), 8848-8859.

2. Ritonga, A., Thamrin, M., Siahaan, H., Dalimunthe, M., & Nur’aini, N. (2024). Promotion of ecotourism and communication policy in increasing tourists in Indonesia. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development8(8), 4764.

3. Kusmanto, H., Bahri, S. & Hassan, S. A. (2024). Examining electoral dynamics: The strategic role of Muhammadiyah and Al-Washailyah in the political landscape of North Sumatra. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development, 8(8), 6387.

4. Sari, P. B., Saragih, M. G., Widodo, S., Ario, F., & Nasution, T. A. M. (2023). Exploring the multifaceted landscape of halal branding challenges, opportunities, and cross-cultural dynamics. Strategies and Applications of Islamic Entrepreneurship, 184-200.

19. Suseno, B. D., Sofa, I. H., Widayanto, M. T., & Basrowi, B. (2022). Performance, Competence, Job Satisfaction, and Financial Compensation of Cosmetics Salesforce during the COVID-19 Outbreak. Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business7(2), 187–200.

Cited by:

1. Naeem, M. K. H., Wang, Y., & Khan, A. S. How Innovation and Creativity Could Be Enhanced through Talent Management. In Handbook of Talent Management and Learning Organizations (pp. 105-120). CRC Press.

2. Munawir, A., & Suseno, B. D. (2024). Employee performance: exploring the Nexus of Nonstandard Services, psychological contracts, and knowledge sharing. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies2024(1), 6746963.

3. Maskudi, S. B., Munawir, A., & Firjatullah, S. (2024). Employee innovation performance: Exploring non-standard service relationships, psychological contracts, and knowledge sharing in green manufacturing industry development. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development8(7), 5111.

4. Suseno, B. D., Rochmaedah, D., Firjatullah, S., Munawir, A., & Idrus, I. (2024). THE INFLUENCE OF EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE AND PRODUCT QUALITY ON ONLINE PURCHASE. Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Journal15(1).

5. Suseno, B. D., & Mukhlis, A. (2023). The Role of Collectivism's Innovation Capacity as a Predictor of Recovery in Industrial Estate Performance. SCMS Journal of Indian Management20(2). 

20. Basmar, E., Campbell III, C. M., & Basmar, E. (2022). Bank Credit in Financial Cycle during COVID-19 Pandemic: Dilemma from Indonesia. Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business7(3), 253–266.

Cited by:

1. Sivák, R., Hocman, F., Horvátová, E., & Dziura, B. (2024). Credit cycle fluctuations measurement in the context of pandemic shock. Journal of Competitiveness16(2), 117-134. 

21. Haryanto, A. T., & Wulandari, F. (2022). Social Influence, Religiosity, and Salesperson Service on Saving Intention in Islamic Banks: The Mediating Role of Perceived Ease of Use of Technology. Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business7(2), 124–138.

Cited by:

1. Duan, X., Si, H., & Xia, X. (2025). Understanding the non-users’ acceptability of autonomous vehicle hailing services using SEM-ANN-NCA approach. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour110, 211-229.

2. MUTHUSWAMY, V. V., & Basri, W. S. (2023). Effects of Cultural Sensitivity, Cultural Identity, and Social Media Usage on Customer Purchase Intention and Loyalty. How is Confucian Culture Moderate?. Cultura: International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology20(3), 159-180.